
For the Love of Families 

An intimate GROUP 2 day workshop [like real life in person] for those wanting a kickstart into the beautiful world of family photography

I know that getting started in the photography industry can be tough, there is SO MUCH to learn and not enough hours in the day to learn it, especially if you are a Mum or Dad with kids, trying to turn the dream of running your own photography business into a reality [while also dealing with the endless sleep deprivation, school runs, mother's group and of life.... am I on the money?]!

Later this year I will be offering a limited & intimate 2 Day Group Mentoring Workshop at my studio in Mont Albert North, Victoria. 

Leave your details below in order to be one of the first notified (and before it goes on social media)! 

The Workshop

How you spend your days is how you spend your life, why not spend them doing what you love?